Rich Tortorigi
Hello, Thank you for stopping by my corner of the web.
I enjoy playing drums now just as much as I did when I was a kid. I began playing in 3rd grade. I hope you enjoy this sampling of music and visiting my web site.

Video Premiere!
New Music Video for a song I wrote in 1972 called "Don't Bag It" ... 50 years later, it's finally seeing the light of day!
With gratitude to each of the the musicians, Thank you for your generosity in spirit and talent in offering to bring this song back to life with an exhilarating 2023 twist.
- Rich Tortorigi: Composer, Production Assistant, Drums & Percussion
- Grayson Hugh: Arranger, Producer, Electric Keyboards, Grand Piano, Percussion & Vocals
- Dave Daddario: Upright String Bass & Electric Bass
- Lucian Williams: Guitar
- Polina Nazaykinskaya: Violin & Viola
- Bill Ahern: Chief Engineer
Bosphorus Cymbals Featured Artist
Bosphorus Cymbals has established in 1996 by three master cymbal smiths, Hasan Seker, Ibrahim Yakici and Hasan Ozdemir. They are called as Masters because they are the most experienced cymbal smiths in the world who are still working actively.
The Masters started to work at a cymbal workshop in 1983 when they were 11-12 years old. Their teachers were Mehmet Tamdeger and Agop Tomurcuk who were also the owners of the workshop. During their service for that company for 16 years, they have learned everything and became master cymbal smiths. Even during that period they were being noticed by the visitors with their fine work. They decided to start their own company after 16 years.
The Masters are still working in the workshop with their employers and guiding them to create the perfect cymbals with their 40+ years of experience.